All Posts By

George Kennedy

Restoring Meaning To An American Century

Restoring Meaning To An American Century

By | Politics

by G. Alfred Kennedy The idea of an American century is not new nor is it novel. We had begun to construct the framework for it during the previous administration. However, the cancerous effect of avarice, envy, and ineptness of a renegade President has weakened it since 2017. The overarching question to this author is whether that framework is on its deathbed, or just in need of aggressive repair? This author believes it is on life support. The idea of an American century begins at home. We could restore meaning to it by once again living up to our best…

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We Can’t Afford To Sit Out 2020

By | Politics

by George Kennedy Two of the most vexing issues for Republicans and Democrats in the 2020 election are structural inequality (economic and health care issues, controlling the cost of prescription drugs, protecting the ACA) and the lack of income mobility.  There are other important issues but, these two issues ignited passions on both sides of the political divide and they could connect voters to the elections in 2020, perhaps on par with 2008 – as a point of reference.  Unarguably, every American of voting age, especially within the middle class, is invested in the outcome of the 2020 elections because…

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Why We Cannot Afford More Conservatism in 2020 by George Kennedy

Why We Cannot Afford More Conservatism in 2020

By | Politics

by G. Alfred Kennedy The Republican strain of conservatism as a governing philosophy is another name for calamity. Since 2016, that governing philosophy is synonymous with extortion and corruption. I feel we are too fragile as a society to sustain the current onslaught of conservative policies advocated by the current Senate Majority leader and practiced by the Trump administration. We are floundering in uncharted waters, and without a unified effort by the rest of us, we will be at sea – or worse. In the breast of each American of voting age lives a complex of emotions including a mixture…

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The American Century – What Should It Mean To Be No. 1?

By | Politics

The Sunday Review section of the NYT (Oct. 9, 2011, page 1) included a thought-provoking opinion piece by David Rothkopf “Redefining The Meaning of No. 1.” I thought Rothkopf raised several critical considerations regarding what it means to be No. 1 again and I felt compelled to reference his piece in my last blog post. I then set the article aside. Around that time, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney delivered a foreign policy address in which he spoke of the 21st century as the American Century. As President, he said, to give definition to this concept, he would also strengthen…

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